Multimedia Round 3

What is python?

Python is a general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991.


Learning Python is like learning new language. So far I’ve been learn about Boolean, if/elif/else statement, while loop, break statement, continue statement, range function  and infinite loop.

What is Boolean?

Boolean is data type that can have values True or False.

Example: “hello” is not “goodbye”

What is if/elif/else statement?

  • If statement is the statement which if the condition is true perform the action.
  • Elif statement is allow to use more than one if and will choose between if and elif.
  • Else is the last condition of if and elif and if everything is wrong will perform the else.


a = 5

if a % 2 == 0:

   print(“Even number”)

elif a % 2 == 1:

   print (“Odd number”)


   print (“I’m not sure what’s happening”)

What is while loop?

While loop, used when a condition needs to be checked each iteration, or to repeat a block of code forever.


fruits = [‘banana’, ‘apple’,  ‘mango’]
for fruit in fruits:       
  print ‘Current fruit :’, fruit

What is break statement?

Break statement is the statement that stop the rest of the code.


fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “Mango”]

for x in fruits:


 if x == “banana”:


What is continue statement?

Continue statement is the skip a code and continue to the next statement.


fruits = fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “Mango”]

for x in fruits:

 if x == “banana”:



What is range function?

Range function is the range the code in older or limit.


for x in range(10):


What is infinite loop?

Infinite loop is the loop that will never stop.


i = 1

while i < 6:


Note: To Stop infinite loop is add :


i = 1

while i < 6:


i += 1

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