Literacy Round 3


Did you ever wonder or asking yourself, why you got your name like that? And what is the meaning of it? I know every single of you are reading my blog, got such as a beautiful name. Let’s get to know more about my name.

In spanish Dalen is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Dalen is: Rhyming- a historical blacksmith with supernatural powers. In my family, my name means nothing but I think it’s a precious name that represent my entire life.

My name was named by my parents. My name didn’t have any special meaning. My parents named me this name because my bigger sister name Dalin. They decided to name Dalen because it’s similar to Dalin. In Cambodia, most of the parents, they named their children by how similar the sound of the name to their name or their first child’s name.

All my family members didn’t have the same name as me but Dalen is one of the famous name in Cambodia. Most of the times when I went outside, I met a lot of people that name Dalen. In my government school, there maybe three people that have the same name as me. Even though at Liger, I also got a friend name Dalen.

I wish my friends would had a different name because it’s really confusing whenever they call my name and my friend’s name. This name is really confusing but I don’t want to change it. Because I born with it. Even it means nothing but it’s really important to me. It show the real of me. 

Let’s getting to know a little bit more about yourself!
Inheritance of Traits

Did anyone have told that you look like your dad or mom? Or you have a curly hair like your grandfather. That because your trait are determined by your genes that inherited from your parents. Example dimple that because of the genes that you got from your parents. Sometimes your dad didn’t have dimple but your mom has. That is also because of your mom genes.


Different form of genes are called alleles. There are allele A and allele B. Allele A is giving you  dimples but allele B doesn’t. If you want to know more information go to Inheritance of Traits Mini Lesson. 

Where i’m from

In this class we also have been created poem  about where i’m from that inspire by George ella lyon. Here is my Video of where I’m from. Enjoy!

Okay! Let’s pause it here. Let’s learn new thing about our literacy.

Story structure


In every single story or movie, there are always have story structure. In story structure, there are exposition, conflict, raising action, climax, falling action and resolution. In a story, it also include main character and setting.

  • What is exposition?

exposition is where we learn some background information about the character(s), setting, and a possible problem/conflict the character(s) may have.

  • What is conflict?

Conflict is a problem or struggle between two opposing forces in a story.

  • What is raising action?

Rising Action is the central part of the story during which various problems arise for the main character(s) after a conflict has been introduced.

  • What is climax?

Climax is the highest point of action or change in the story.  It is also known as the turning point.

  • What is falling action?

Falling action is the action and dialogue following the climax that lead the reader into the story’s end.  

  • What is resolution?

Resolution is the part of the story in which the problems are solved and the action comes to a satisfying end.

Literary device

(Matrix Education)

          You can write your own stories or movies by using this structures. You also need literary device. If you don’t add them into your stories or movies. It won’t be interesting, you need them to help for catch your reader’s attention by your stories.

  1. Tone
  2. Mood
  3. Motif
  4. Foreshadowing
  5. Suspense
  6. Poetic justice
  7. Conflict
  8. Theme

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